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Looking to help? Here's how to assist Columbus nonprofits before the end of the year

Many Columbus nonprofit agencies are undertaking special efforts through the end of the year to help those in need. If you're interested in helping those missions, here's how.

The Columbus Dispatch

By Eric Lagatta

December 29, 2022

The season of giving may have come and gone, but for Greater Columbus nonprofit agencies, that charitable spirit lasts year-round.

Still, many such organizations are undertaking additional efforts through the rest of 2022 to help those in need — from food drives to clothing drives and to a variety of other year-end programming.

The Human Service Chamber of Franklin County has compiled a spreadsheet of its members' holiday events that the organization is updating through the end of the year as more initiatives are announced. Here are eight Columbus nonprofit organizations that are undertaking charitable endeavors that you can help before we ring in 2023.

Whom the organization serves: Star House operates a drop-in center for youths ages 14 to 24 who are experiencing homelessness. Star House provides food, clothing, hygiene items and access to wraparound services, showers and laundry facilities.

What they're doing: Star House has partnered with Homage to sell "Kindness is Free" T-shirts, with 20% of the sales of each purchase benefiting Star House's mission. That partnership will last indefinitely, but during the holiday season, the agency is asking for donations via an Amazon wish list.

What they need: Monetary donations help support day-to-day operating costs. Star House also is in need of such item donations as hygiene products and gently used clothing. Right now, gloves, socks, hoodies, sweatpants and men's underwear are among the most urgent needs, as well as $10 Kroger gift cards.

How you can help: Monetary donations may be made online at or by mailing them to to Kat Earles at 1220 Corrugated Way, Columbus, OH 43201. Those interested in volunteering should visit Homage T-Shirts are available for purchase at, and the Amazon wish list is at

Contact information:, 614-826-5868

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