When donating using the link above, please write "Hike and Trike" in the box that appears next to the text that says, "If applicable, please specify the program you wish to support."
Hike and Trike for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
An exciting event is coming up in June! From June 7-20, 2020, Tina Marinacci Parsley and Teresa Devitt will be hiking from the western edge of Ohio into Columbus via Dayton (16 miles a day for 7 days) and then transferring to recumbent trikes—led by their guide, Brent Devitt—to ride approximately 30 miles a day for the remaining week via Massillon and ending their trip in Steubenville (the eastern edge of Ohio). The journey will consist of roughly 322 miles.
The goal of the event is to involve and educate the community about ways to assist youth experiencing homelessness. In addition, they aim to raise $50,000 to assist our Star House programs that provide housing, work assistance, support, and basic needs for young people in Central Ohio
How You Can Get Involved
Donate to Star House: Donors who give $250 or more using the link above can receive handmade, recycled wood Quilt Stars (~14" x 14", pictured below). If you choose to do so, please reach out to Teresa to let her know you made the donation and would like a quilt star.
Organize a fundraising event, meeting, or presentation by Teresa and Tina along the route
Provide lodging and/or meals for Teresa & Tina during their hike/trike ride
Donate funds to cover expenses incurred on the hike/trike ride
Get sponsors to support you or your group's participation in walking/riding part of the route
Inform yourself and others about issues concerning youth experiencing homelessness
Volunteer at Star House or a nearby location that serves homeless people

The Route
Below is a breakdown of the towns, by date in June:
Hiking Portion
6-7 New Paris to West Manchester/West Sonora
6-8 West Manchester/West Sonora to Trotwood
6-9 Trotwood to Dayton Area
6-10 Dayton Area to E. of Xenia/Wilberforce University
6-11 E. Xenia/Wilberforce University to South Charleston
6-12 South Charleston to Lilly Chapel/Battelle Darby Metro Park
6-13 Lilly Chapel/Battelle Darby Metro Park to Columbus
Triking Portion
6-14 Columbus to Sunbury
6-15 Sunbury to Kenyon College/Gambier
6-16 Gambier/Kenyon College to Millersburg
6-17 Millersburg to Massilon
6-18 Massilon to New Cumberland
6-19 New Cumberland to Hopedale
6-20 Hopedale to Steubenville
Contact Information
For more information about the event, please contact:
2020 Vision: WeSeeYou! Hike & Trike for Homeless Youth, c/o Teresa Devitt, 2587 Glen Echo Drive, Columbus, OH 43202, (614) 446-4723, 2020VisionTeresa@gmail.com
Tina Marinacci Parsley, (614) 937-9433, 2020VisionTina@gmail.com
Star House Front Desk: (614) 826-5868
About Tina and Teresa
30 years ago, Tina and Teresa led a very successful hike around Ohio that lasted 74 days and 1,181 miles. During their journey (pictured to the right), the pair led many educational talks that generated ideas about how to assist and support their neighbors without homes, and donations were raised to help various coalitions of people experiencing homelessness throughout the state. You can read about their adventure, featured in The Columbus Dispatch, below..
Now, Tina and Teresa are back again to ask for your help! They are looking for volunteers to fundraise, set up speaking engagements and events and assist with media and education. In addition, they are also asking for donations that will go towards Star House's integral programs.
All efforts are needed and valued!